Friday, February 02, 2007


I'm uber excited and absolutely bursting for joy to get the chance to deliver my observations on topics related to (i) document design principles; (ii) electronic publishing; (iii) new media developments and technologies; which (iv) genre analysis seeks to encapsulate.


I'm glad you didn't fall for that one.

Seriously, I am a student of University of South Australia where the creation of this blog is a required assignment for the offshore program. Here, you will find issues related to the above mentioned topics.

As you know, ubiquitous information is being published before your very eyes every single day. So,

  • How did Document A grab your attention but not Document B?
  • How did you decide which information to process or dismiss?
  • When are you more receptive to certain presented information?
  • How are elements from different media categories used to engage you?
  • What are the uses for new media such as blogs?
Well, this blog purports to answer all those questions (and more). Hopefully, you will gain more insight into the current information age and what the future may bring. May this blog prove to be a useful link to the vast knowledge resources out there.

p/s: Please comment! Your views are greatly welcomed and appreciated. (:

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